Making sure your finances are in order is an important step to purchasing a new home. Here are some tips: Improve your Credit Score Pay your bills on time Shrink your credit ratio Pay off your credit card but don’t close it Get up to date on any outstanding debts Check credit reports for any… [Read More]
Preparing to Buy a Home This Spring
Spring time is a popular time to buy a new home. Making sure you are ready can help make things go smoother. Here are some helpful tips: Eliminate debt- paying down your debt is important because that will help improve your credit score and can impact how much you will be qualified for when you… [Read More]
One-Time Close Construction Loan
AMEC Home Loans provides one-time close construction loans for new home construction or major remodeling projects with as little as 5% down. Here are the details: Only one set of closing costs including the lot purchase, construction, and permanent loan 5% down payment is needed at the time of construction loan closing (subject to end… [Read More]
Important Things to Know About Buying a Home
Get a Loan Estimate- this lists all fees paid before closing All closing costs Any escrow costs Understand Closing Costs and Escrows General Closing Costs Appraisal fees Credit report fees Title search/title insurance fees Loan Origination fees Recording fees Survey fees Loan discount points (if applicable) Investor fees Closing/attorney/escrow fees General Escrow Costs Home owners… [Read More]
You Can Always Plan Ahead with a Fixed-Rate Mortgage
A fixed-rate mortgage is the standard against which most other mortgage products are measured. Here are the differences between a 30-year and a 15-year fixed-rate. 30-Year Fixed-Rate Provides the borrower with a fixed rate for the entire 30-year term of the loan The borrower will pay the loan in full if he or she makes… [Read More]
Is buying a home on your resolution list for this year?
2019 is underway and your resolution list is made. If buying a home this year is on your list, here are some tips to make that a reality. DEBT Evaluate your finances to see if you can eliminate your debt. Paying off debt is important because that will help improve your credit score and can… [Read More]
Plan Before Buying a Home
Preparing to buy a house is an important step in the home buying process. Here are a few things you can do to get ready to buy a home: Eliminate debt- paying down your debt is important because that will help improve your credit score and can impact how much you will be qualified for… [Read More]
FHA 2019 Mortgage Limits
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) calculates forward mortgage limits based on the median house prices in accordance with the National Housing Act. FHA’s Single Family forward mortgage limits are set by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and count and are published periodically. FHA publishes updated limits effective for each calendar year. FHA sets these limits at… [Read More]
Selecting a Real Estate Agent
Homebuying can be a challenging process. With a real estate agent on your team to guide you, finding and buying a home will be less worrisome and much less stressful. Take great care in selecting a real estate agent who best meets your needs and personality. Ask family, friends, and co-workers for referrals. A reputable… [Read More]
Conforming Loan Limits Increase
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced the 2019 general and high-cost area loan limits. The maximum loan limits will increase in 2019. What does this mean to you as a homebuyer? You are not able to obtain a higher loan amount without needing a Jumbo home loan. This leaves you with a lower down… [Read More]
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